
Nutec in the news

News Press Releases

Posted On: December 11, 2014
Posted On: November 01, 2014


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Dec 11, 2014

Nutec in the News


Preparing for Item-Level Coding

Nutec Systems Inc. introduced a new control system that can employ any print or vision inspection system. Black Box is print engine and vision system “agnostic” and can “serve as the front-end control device for any system,” explained Dennis McLaughlin, Nutec’s director of engineering/technical sales, at the show. “It can serve as the central location for trafficking all intelligent devices.” (If customers do not select particular vendors, Nutec will default to HP thermal-ink-jet printing and Cognex systems.)

Black Box can set up, configure, and monitor the status of all print engines and vision systems, and with one single user interface can distribute coding information to all devices, McLaughlin said.

Nutec can scale up the amount of capability as needed to suit customer applications, and the highest level of control can monitor up to 12 printing lanes, constantly perform optical character verification with an accuracy of 99.99%, and run Nutec’s CheQAssure software for batch verification, quality control, and solutions for anticounterfeiting, antidiversion, track and trace, and returns. (Read Full Story)